
Can I Buy A House if I Have School Loans?

Some prospective owners look at houses while also carrying debt from student loans. Some of these loans can be paid off in a matter of months or years, while others may take several decades to fulfill. They may even impact a person’s ability to purchase property in some instances. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to buy a house when you still have student loans.

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How To Find The Right Realtor When Buying a Home

Many buyers opt to work with a realtor. You could look at homes all by yourself, but most individuals lack the knowledge, experience and connections that most real estate agents have. They’re trained to help people buy and sell homes. Here are a few steps you can take when looking for a realtor who can help you buy a home.

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Things To Look For When Purchasing A Home

There are many different aspects to evaluate when buying a home. Every house is different, and no two houses will ever have the exact same attributes. You can start a list of things that you’d like to have in a house and see how many of them are provided with the properties that are on your list. Here are a few items to look for when you’re thinking about buying a home.

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Bridge Loan Brings Family Together!

A past client called me about buying a new home.  Since they had completely remodeled the last house that I sold them, I questioned why they would want to move to a new place. They explained that their daughter had recently gotten married and was now planning on starting a family. The daughter was currently

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Are Appliances Included With A Home Purchase?

Some people ask if certain appliances are included when a house is bought. Each situation is different. Some appliances may stay and others may be taken by the seller. There are different reasons in every transaction why certain appliances remain and others don’t. Here are a few things that you can do if you’re wondering about appliances that are in the house that you’ve made an offer on.

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When Is The Best Time To Buy A Home?

Some times of the year are better for home buying than others. They can vary from region to region. Information can also change from one year to another, so it’s usually best to look at trends over extended periods of time.

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