Welcome to this month’s real estate market report for San Mateo County, California. Single family home prices stayed flat month to month, while condo property prices climbed slightly higher. Single family home and condo sales have been slower over the last quarter and over-bidding for properties is diminishing. There are fewer listings for sale for both single family homes and condo properties than one year ago. Overall the market for single-family homes and condos is in a neutral position. Find out more about the San Mateo County real estate market in this helpful report.
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Do you own a home or condo in San Mateo County and are ready to sell but just not sure at what price? Find out what your home may be worth by using our free home valuation tool. To get started enter some basic information about your home, next, we will provide you with a confidential market summary of your home and suggested list price. Accurate pricing is the first step to take to get your home sold, find out what your home may sell for today!
San Mateo Housing Stats
The median sale price for single-family homes in San Mateo County at the end of December 2023 was $1,600,000. Median sale prices have continued to hover in the $1.700,000, to $2,000,000 range for single-family homes for most of 2023, median sale prices have climbed from a low of $1,500,000 at the beginning of 2023.
There were a total of 217 single-family properties sold in San Mateo during December, and homes were on the market for an average of 33 days before being sold.
Single-family property sales have fallen from the June 2023 high of 350 homes sold.
There were a total of 96 new listings to hit the market in San Mateo, bringing the total months of inventory available to 0.8. New listing activity for single-family homes is well below 2022 averages, new listings are down from a high of 650 during the summer of 2022.
Overbidding is in decline as sellers are getting just 100% of the original list price at closing. Overbidding for properties has held steady at 100% and has continued to stay in the range for most of 2023, climbing from under 100% at the beginning of January of this year.
San Mateo Condo Stats
The median sale price for condo properties in San Mateo County at the end of December 2023 was $828,000. Median sale prices for condos have held steady in the $900,000 to $1,000.000 range for most of 2023, falling from a high of $1,200,000 during March of this year.
There were a total of 63 condo listings sold in San Mateo County during the month of December. Condo sales have continued to decline during the last quarter of 2023, dropping from over a 100 during June to 63 in December.
Condo listings were on the market for an average of 51 days before being sold during December, this is up from just 45 days during November.
There were a total of 32 new condo property listings for sale in San Mateo last month, new listings for condo properties are down from the high of 270 during the previous year..
The total amount of condo inventory in San Mateo County that is available to buyers is 1.4 months.
Overbidding is in decline for sellers, during December, sellers were getting a median of 99% of the original list price, which was down only slightly from the 100.8% average at this time one year ago.
What Does This Mean For Buyers?
Buyers who are looking for a single-family home or condo in San Mateo County will find a mixed market, in some situations there may be a great deal of competition over a property or a buyer may find a deal that maximizes value. While overbidding for homes is falling, buyers should prepare to possibly offer more than the asking price.
Buyers who are paying cash have an advantage over buyers who finance, with cash providing more leverage and offering a seller more certainty. Buyers can expect these trends to continue as we head into the new year.
What Does This Mean For Sellers?
Sellers of single-family homes and condos should realize patience is the key to getting their property sold. Buying activity is slowing and homes are on the market for longer than average from even a couple of months ago. The market for properties continues to favor sellers, both single-family home and condo sellers are seeing bids for their homes above asking price in many cases.
However, as San Mateo County heads into the new year sellers should have a pricing strategy in place, and a plan in preparation for any contingency. The demand for homes and condos overall is slowing and there is a remote chance for a major market shift. In the end, sellers should expect market conditions that have dominated for most of 2023, which is a lull in buying activity.
If you are thinking of buying or selling a home or condo, give us a call today. We are experts in navigating dynamic markets like San Mateo and work with you to develop a strategy to accomplish your real estate goals.
San Mateo County Homes for Sale
Here are the most recent single-home listings just added to the database in the median sale price range for San Mateo County. All homes here are priced at $1,600,000 or less.
San Mateo County Condos for Sale
Here are the most recent condominium listings just added to the database in the median sale price range for San Mateo County. All homes here are priced at $828,000 or less.