Chris Eckert

What is a Buyer’s Market?

Are you looking forward to buying a home in California? Your anticipation is well-merited, as there is much to get excited about. Great weather, plenty of opportunities for growth, and a beautiful property on top of it all – what more could you ask for?

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How to Sell a House During a Divorce

There are times when selling a house may be difficult, but necessary. Many times a home is sold after a parent or other beloved relative has passed away. Others may need to sell their home because of financial difficulties. Sometimes couples decide to sell their house when they are going through a divorce.

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How to Buy a House and Rent it Out

A home is an investment in your future. Making your monthly mortgage payments helps build equity as you establish roots in a new community. Property values usually increase the longer that you’re in your home. For some, owning a home is also a source of additional income.

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